The future of real estate commissions post-Realtor settlement

The future of real estate commissions post-Realtor settlement

Understanding the New Real Estate Commission Changes for Buyer’s Agents Starting August 15th, 2024


The real estate landscape is always evolving, and this August, another significant change is coming that will impact how real estate transactions are handled, particularly for buyer’s agents. Starting August 15th, 2024, new regulations regarding real estate commissions for buyer’s agents will take effect. These changes aim to bring more transparency and fairness to the commission structure, but they also introduce some new challenges and considerations for both buyers and agents. Here's what you need to know.

What’s Changing?

Under the new regulations, the way buyer’s agents are compensated will shift dramatically. Traditionally, buyer’s agents were typically paid through a commission that was split with the seller’s agent, and this commission was usually covered by the seller. However, starting on August 15th, this will no longer be the default practice.

Key Changes Include:

  1. Buyers Responsible for Agent Commissions: Buyers will now be more directly responsible for compensating their agents. While the commission could still be negotiated to be included in the purchase price, buyers will need to be much more aware of how their agent is getting paid and factor this into their budgeting.

  2. Transparent Commission Disclosure: Agents will now be required to clearly disclose their commission rates to buyers before entering into a contract. This change is designed to make the costs associated with buying a home more transparent and to encourage buyers to shop around for the best service and rates.

  3. Negotiability of Commission Rates: While commissions have always been negotiable, the new rules emphasize this by requiring agents to inform buyers that commission rates are not fixed and can be negotiated. This could potentially lead to more competitive pricing among agents.

Impact on Buyers

For buyers, this means taking a closer look at the financial aspects of hiring a real estate agent. It’s essential to discuss and understand the commission structure upfront to avoid any surprises down the road. Buyers should also be prepared to negotiate these fees or explore alternative ways to cover these costs.

One significant change will be the need for buyers to consider the agent’s fee when determining how much they can afford. Previously, this cost was often embedded in the sale price and financed as part of the mortgage, but now buyers may need to come up with this payment separately, depending on the terms of the transaction.

Impact on Agents

For buyer’s agents, the new regulations will likely require a shift in how they present their services. With more transparency and direct negotiations over commissions, agents will need to clearly articulate the value they provide to justify their rates.

Additionally, agents may face increased competition as buyers become more price-sensitive and informed about their options. This could lead to more competitive commission rates, which may affect overall earnings for some agents.

Navigating the New Landscape

To navigate these changes successfully, both buyers and agents will need to adapt. For buyers, it’s crucial to engage in open and honest discussions with potential agents about fees and services. For agents, providing clear, value-driven service will be more important than ever.

Buyers should also consider working with real estate professionals who can help them understand the full implications of these changes on their purchasing power. As always, knowledge is power, and being informed about these new rules will help ensure a smoother and more successful home-buying experience.


The upcoming changes to real estate commission structures are designed to bring greater transparency and fairness to the home-buying process, but they also introduce new complexities. By staying informed and working closely with knowledgeable agents, buyers can navigate these changes with confidence. If you have any questions about how these new rules might affect your home-buying journey, don’t hesitate to reach out—I’m here to help guide you through every step of the process.



Before starting your next home-buying journey, be sure to team up with an experienced professional who has the knowledge and skills to get the job done right. Your real estate agent will work diligently with you to find the right home and walk you through the process of buying in this gorgeous community. Contact the experts at the Marshall + Ostop Team to begin your home-buying journey today. Michael Treviso, and the team are always available to help you.

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Whether you're starting out or starting over I am the clear choice for a smooth successful real estate transaction. Representing Connecticut homeowners and future homeowners, my goal is to provide the highest level of customer service possible for each of my clients.

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